When it comes to finding the best Realtor Marketing Ideas, there are a lot of things out there on the internet that try and sell you on so many different things. Sure, some work, but would you be spending more than you’re making utilizing them? A few of the best realtor marketing ideas include :
Signage: Putting your face up on a huge billboard ($$$) or on a park bench, on the side of a bus, or handing out your business cards in local businesses work great, until they don’t. Signage is almost as good as the Yellow Pages – Not good at all. Everyone turns to the internet when it comes time to post ads.
Facebook Ads: Facebook ads can be very effective when trying to gather new clients for your real estate business, but you know as well as I do, if I see someones face on an ad more than once, I start to despise that person, and for that reason I will probably never use them to help me buy or sell a home.
Now, there is nothing better or beneficial to your business than the third and final realtor marketing idea that I’m going to talk about now…
You’ve heard it your whole life, especially when you decided you wanted to start your own business, but there is nothing more beneficial to you than creating genuine relationships with past clients, and what that means is, there is no better realtor Marketing Idea than to create word of mouth travel between past customers and potential new leads.
There are lots of ways that you can amp up rapport from your past clients – You can send them free QT drink coupons, wish them a happy birthday on Facebook, but there is no other way to create a good relationship with your clients than with full size, direct mail sent straight to their mailbox every couple of months. Now, when I say direct mail, I don’t mean you send all of your clients a Christmas card so that it get lost in the pile of OTHER marketers trying to do the same that you are, I mean full size cards that are sent every couple of months that go out on random holidays! Groundhog day, St. Patty’s day, remember your clients home-iversary… This is the type of Real Estate Direct Mail that gets noticed. On top of your clients getting roughly 8 cards per year, what really tops off these genuine relationships is that these cards be hand-signed by you! I don’t mean an e-signature, or a stamp, I mean a pen and a wrist. The absolute best realtor marketing idea is to send out HAND-SIGNED cards from you!
Most real estate direct mail marketing companies try to get you to go online, pick out your card every single month, and upload an e-signature. Does that sound like something that you are willing to do or that you’ll remember to do each month? That’s right, no. You have to make sure that your cards are automated and have a real ink to card signature on them, and you have to make sure that they have your business card in them.
Picture this, one of your past clients is hosting a party with several of their friends and family coming over. One of them mentions how they are looking to buy a new home, and they would love to hire a realtor this time around – Your past client goes to her drawer and pulls out your business card and says something like – “This is who we used! They are very nice and they stay in touch with me all the time!” and just like that, you have a new client. Heck, by that point you have so many new clients that you don’t even have time for all of them!
My point to all of this is, that as a realtor, sitting at home googling “Realtor Marketing Ideas” this is the easiest and most effective way to do it.
Stop falling for all of the new gimmicks that realtors are promoting these days, and step back and realize that Real Estate Direct Mail is the easiest and most efficient Realtor Marketing Idea that there is.
Check out https://www.resurgereferral.com/