Generating referrals is harder than it sounds

I brought donuts to real estate offices. I passed out pens. I sponsored holes at golf tournaments.

It helped. But not as much as I’d hoped.

Turns out, the mortgage business is actually kind of hard.

The Big Mistake I Kept Making

In hindsight, the thing that held me back was my lack of a follow up system.

I worked so hard chasing new business that I never really spent the time following up with the past clients that had already done business with me.

Sure, I’d call them every once in awhile.

I even sent them an email from our LOS twice a year for Happy Birthday and their loan anniversary.

But the effort was inconsistent at best. Non-existent at its worst.

The Final Straw

One day I ran into a past client at the store and it seemed like he was avoiding making eye contact. When I walked over to say hello and ask how he was doing, he told me that they had just bought a new house.

The problem? I didn’t write the new loan.

It was my fault. The customer hadn’t heard from me in 4 years, so how would he remember what a good job I did for him last time?

I decided right then and there that was the last time that was going to happen.

Finding the Easy Button

That was 5 years ago and right about the time that I found the “easy” button. The dead simple hack.

My assistant had starting to send out greeting cards to our clients, but it was hit or miss. She’d get busy with loans and the follow up was put on hold.

Then, a real estate agent I work with mentioned he’d been having the same problem, but he found this company called RESURGE.

RESURGE fixed his problem - for good. So I signed up immediately.

Welcome to the Gravy Train

These days, there isn’t a week that goes by that we don’t get at least 1 new referral coming in from our cards that go out in the mail.

At least 1 new referral EVERY single week.

At least 2-3 closed loans EVERY single month.

All for less than $100 a month.

Do the math if you’re the ROI type.

The Dead Simple Hack I’d Been Looking For

The secret to getting all these referrals is follow up marketing. And now, RESURGE does all my follow up marketing for me.

And honestly, they do a better job of it than I ever did.

That’s because they NEVER forget to send out a card to a client because they’re busy working on loan closings.

They send a professionally designed card that I don’t have to go and pick out. I hate picking out cards anyway.

A human being in their office actually sits down and signs the card.  No stamps. No computer generated signatures. Real handwriting.

Then, they tuck my business card inside, right next to the little call to action on the inside.

They stamp it and mail it.

Then, they send me an email which tells me who’s getting the card. The email even includes a little follow up script in case I want to call or text the client.

But don’t tell RESURGE I really don’t need the follow up script.

That’s because the customers call me first.

They tell me they called because we always send cute cards and now they finally needed our help or had a referral for me.

The gravy train. I love it.

I just wish I had found RESURGE sooner.