There is all kind of stigma around real estate marketing, especially when you have every real estate marketing company in the world is working WITH agencies, so you’re pretty much being forced to follow what they say is the best possible way to market yourself is.
Let’s talk about the top 5 rated marketing hacks so far in 2022
Direct Mail Marketing
I know, I know.. It sounds crazy and outdated, but lets be honest, retro and old school is really the best possible way to go about things now a days. Think about how refreshing it is to not have to deal with digital ads and cold calling. How nice is that? Anyway, here are the facts. Direct mail marketing has a 92% open rate.. Yeah you read that right. Cold email marketing has .08% open rate.. Less than one percent, and I am going to go out on a limb and say that that .08% is just people opening them to remove the number of unreads..
When i was reading the direct mail marketing scheme, I found so many things that actually make sense.. If you send your client or people that you want to be your clients marketing material through their mailbox instead of their inbox, they are so much more likely to actually read what it says. That brings me to my next point..
Stop with the overselling and the marketing jargon.
Give it a thought… By now, people know if they are being sold to. I try to be cognizant of that.. People know exactly what salesman and marketers are trying to do to grab your attention. Pretty much think of it like this.. If you see something on the internet or through your mailbox that sounds really good, its fake and you have to buy it and the truth is, is that you’re probably not going to get what they said that you are going to pay for. It’s time, and the world agrees with me, that we bring back personal relationships instead of stupid annoying marketing words and hacks. I am challenging you to try this with your business. The next time you go to send a cold email or make a cold call, think about what you’re saying and how you’re delivering. Try to make it a conversation, I promise your retention rates will go up once you stop the salesman-esque tone. When you send direct mail, make it just that.. Hi, hello, thanks for your business! Hello! Hope you dandy! Happy Groundhogs day! Really glad your my client.
You are absolutely probably contacting your past clients for referrals way too often
Yeah, I know, that asshole “business coach” that you had that one time pretty much instilled in your brain that you need to annoy your past clients every single chance that you get so that will give you their money again. Yeah.. Stop and think about that for a second. The chance of you getting your number blocked is much higher than them spending money with you again, and I promise you they will not refer you to their friends because then they would be the route of all of the spam calls that they are getting. If you insist on calling your clients, even though I told you to use direct mail, just calm down and stop calling them so much.
How old are you? Do you remember back in the day.. You or a family that you know had that business and everyone around knew who they were and were really loyal to buying from them because they were such good people and they were so honest with the way that they do business? Do you remember when being a business owner was about hard work and having good ethics? Hard to remember right? You start to remember things like this when you start spending your days studying marketing and thinking about how it’s kind of ruining the world. What I am trying to say about this number 4 here, is that people still do value business, and with every year that passes, people can see through the bullshit. They know that when they go to an ecommerce site that they are going to add what they want into their card and then you are going to try and upsell them and they are already ready to use their forcefield to get around all of those upsells. They also know that when you are advertising 30% off of a certain product, you’re going to get ready to put in your card information and they are going to mark out some outrageous price they they are trying to say that was the price of what you wanted before. Tip number 4 – work on your freaking ethics and being trustworthy because I promise you won’t get far without it.
4 is enough… Work on it.